When receiving any kind of service, you expect to get your money’s worth. You usually do not even mind paying a little more as long as you are sure you are getting the best. This is why it is a common belief that you have to spend more money to get better service. Flash Towing is the ultimate proof of the contrary. We provide cheap tow truck service in San Jose. Cheap, but one of the best customer experiences you will ever get.
With Flash Towing you definitely get more for less. Call us now at (408) 770-4896 for excellent service at affordable prices!
Top Customer Care is What We Are Here For!
We have established a strong bond with our San Jose neighbors. We are dedicated to providing fast response times so when our assistance is required, you will not find yourself hanging dry. Just give us a call and we will be there within 30 minutes! It does not matter when you call, know this: we are available 24 hours a day, all year long for any towing or roadside emergency assistance. You can be sure that when calling us, you will receive a professional care at honest prices since our pricing policy is based on competitive and fair rates.
All You Need in One Place
We offer an extensive variety of towing and roadside assistance services that will meet your every need on the road:
- Emergency towing any hour of the day, anywhere in San Jose!
- Local distance towing and long distance towing
- Auto towing for all vehicles including trucks, SUVs, sports cars, RVs, buses, 4X4s, motorcycles, etc.
- Heavy duty towing and light duty towing
- Flatbed towing
- Lockout assistance including car lockout services and trunk opening
- Car key duplication and car key replacement
- Transponder key reprogramming
- Broken key extraction
- Out of gas refuel service and solutions
- Flat tire change
- Dead battery jumpstart and replacement
- Recovery & accident removal services
Call us now at (408) 770-4896 for high quality yet cheap towing services at San Jose!